
Greetings and welcome to my blog!

The vast majority of my writing will focus on the story of mankind and our relationship to our Creator (more so of the latter). Which brings me to several things that may assist you as you explore my content.

What to expect

My blog is written for those from all walks of life to read and digest, but it is written to Christians from a Christian perspective. I write with the intention of showing you the way I see this world, the way I see mankind, and the way I see God. I would love for everyone to be as I am; free, saved, and loved. But I will write and speak my mind, and the rest I shall leave up to you.

So my writing… As you will have the pleasure of finding out as you read on, I love writing in different styles. I love the poetic, the inspirational, and the silly. As for the contents of my writing; You will find regular references to the Bible, as well as history, music, literature, and nature. And if you haven’t yet read the Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, I would encourage you to do so, as I will no doubt be referencing it often.

What’s with the name?

Now, why Soldier in Starlight? The “Soldier” part I hope, is quite self explanatory. Every man is a soldier. Whether he wants to be or not, from the moment of conception, every man enters a war. The side he is on and the battles he fights (the vast majority of them anyway) are of his choosing.

I am a soldier. I fight for my faith, my family, and my freedom.

Why “…in Starlight” though? In this broken world, all around you and I, there is darkness. The fear of night is upon many people. There are those who cannot distinguish between friend or foe. When we look to that which is within our power to attain, our allies grow thin and our hope dwindles.

But thanks be to God! For we can look up. Up to the light and to the stars. The promises written in the night sky tell of the wonders of One who is greater than the dark. A thousand shadows may surround me, and ten thousand patches of darkness look down from above, but I will look to the stars. By their light I will be guided, and by the story they tell I will hope.

I am a soldier. But I do not fight that which assails me. For I know the One who fights for me. I look to Him, and the darkness of night is forgotten, it’s strength abated, and my joy increased.

Though you may not see me in this dark world, you will see the light by which I walk. Though the skies be overcast, the light still shines beyond the clouds. Though you may not understand the signs, the light may yet bring you comfort and hope. You may yet see beauty and light.

It is of this light that I was formed. It is by this light that I walk. It is for this light that I live. It is in this light that I abide.

I am the Soldier In Starlight.

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